Art by Chase Stone, United States.
Love Coolvibe? Please share!Goodbye Earth
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Art by Chase Stone, United States.
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I like to goodbye earth, if we had a life on mars.
What a photo! It makes you sit back and think: I wish I was there…
I feel homesick already :-(
You guys got it backwards, this is like 200 years in the future and they were born on Mars and their visiting Earth for the first time.
your all wrong. goodbye means ‘leaving’ its the last of humanity leaving earth for good due to some yet unknown catastrophe
This is actually an AT&T commercial as you can see by the reception bars towards the bottom.
The fact that they are actually getting a reception proves that they are not using ATT
I hope that this is a future where people can SPELL, unlike the present comments here.
Wonderful lighting.
Why do you spelling Nazi’s always have to comment about someone elses spelling. it’s the meaning of the words and sentences that matter not the words and sentences themselves. grow up.
fak zhou fith zhou SPELL zhit 90% of zhou kent ifen frite enklish
bus seriously, why is is granny there?
What kind of fucking idiot would want to live on Mars? Have you SEEN what the surface of Mars is like? Fuck, why would you want to live anywhere but Earth? Idiots. DERRRR I WANT TO LIVE ON OMICRON PERSEI 8 D:
theyre actually watching armageddon on a tv
And i do hope, Mike, that everyone retains their razor-sharp wit and distain of other people’s flagrant disregard of proper English grammar.
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This post was mentioned on Digg by avitaker: I hope that neither I nor my children nor my grandchildren will have to face that. Honestly. And as many generations after that as possible. But, it definitely is a very cool drawing….
Right before Earth explodes… SXHPLOOH!
Either that’s one old as mom, or the kids grandma. Or creepy old lady that stole the last child from earth. Either way she’s not going to be able to make it to all of his parisi square games when he gets older unless she’s taking double doses of citricel..
I think we are probably forced to leave Earth due to the environmental damages that we inflict on Mother Earth which cause her unable to support her inhabitants any longer. Possibly an educational photo aimed to solicit people’s reflection on Earth’s and our future.
Awesome picture. Check out the artist link. There is some pretty good stuff there.
I find the picture quite sad. The contrast between the older grandmother, and the young baby. It says she is leaving her home, the place of her birth, and the baby is leaving something he will never know, but should.
Mike, take a step back and realise that there are no spelling mistakes in these comments. A few grammatical errors yes, but who really gives a shit? Stop being a fucking grammar-nazi!
Just Knowing That We Will One Day Say, “Good-Bye Earth”…
Makes You Think What Kind Of Mass Destruction Or Catastrophe Would Happen To Make Us Leave…
Pretty Sad But Yet Beautiful To See Our Earth From An Outer Point Of View
(If It Wasnt To Be A Good-Bye)
Mike in the future hate will not be tolerated
These comments are hilarious… Especially the spelling & ATT one; i thought everyone has that red squiggly thing show up when they misspell a word?!
This is amazing. Can I buy this print?
This is beautifully touching. I can’t imagine what that would be like.
“Odlazim, odlazim, sa planete putujem, putujem, putujem, mjesecu se radujem…”
Why do people worry about spelling and grammar? Some people actually care about the language that we are using. I know the education system is pretty bad but BASIC grammar and spelling shouldn’t be this much of a challenge. We wonder why the gap between classes gets larger and it gets easier for those even slightly educated to get jobs? Ahhhh the spector of the North American Redneck…so amusing in his ignorance. By the way, “Are you smarter than a fifth grader” is casting a new season! Nice picture.
Hmmm, quite a few spelling mistakes there Rob. Grammar, when used incorrectly, is considered a spelling mistake. Regardless; there are many mistakes on this page. Why didn’t their mothers just swallow them?
Beautiful picture. ROB, misplaced grammar IS actually a spelling mistake as well. Perhaps these people are leaving Earth to get away from the uneducated.
Verrrrnice!! I lika lot
This could be in the far future, when robots have taken over earth, and we all have to evacuate in spaceships to live life among the staaaaars!
Good news is that you get good cell reception in space!
that looks so peacefull from out there
Thats not an old lady, she’s only 27!
They’re just watching TV.
“Hello, earth.”
Have you people seen a world Atlas. …..that’s not Earth !!!
This is an AMAZING picture.
We are all connected………………………
They are just at a art museum looking at a painting. Why do you think they are leaving earth!? Gosh!! The bars are the volume levels for the playback or the virtual tour guide. Get with the program. GOsh!!!!!
If this was a space ship leaving earth, it would not be taking old people like that when a healthy long life young person is available.
[...] Goodbye Earth [...]
Wow, is this the most commented painting on coolvibe? xD
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