100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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Is that a star in the middle? I understand that galaxies are made of many stars, planets and gases… but what’s exactly is in the middle of it?
Not one star nope, but at the heart of a galaxy are thousands apon thousands of stars clustered together with of course gass’s and planets like you said, just a lot closer packed than the edges of the galaxy.
To our knowledge at the center is a super massive black hole, the width of this thing would fit in the distance from our earth to the sun ( so small in the scale of the entire galaxy) but the mass of this thing is 4 million times the mass of the sun, so there for crazy gravitational pull. It’s relatively small compared to other super massive black holes found in other galaxy’s but still it has a crazy draw on all stars and gasses around it , sucking it in, in a swirling pattern, so you see a strong glow around the center.
The thing is the distance is so vast from us to the center that what we see now with Hubble etc is a snap shot of the center how it was millions of years ago due to the time it takes for the light to travel to us. So what we are seeing now isn’t what it currently looks like as such.
Hope that kinda makes sense…