100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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Coolvibe on Facebook
auguro all’universo..di ripetersi nel capolavoro pianeta terra..pochi sono gli esseri umani che se ne rendono conto..purtroppo..però per alcuni di noi la meraviglia e la magnificenza di questo pianeta,sono ogni giorno motivo di stupore e incanto..
lunga vita alla terra dunque..
e che prolifino pianeti belli come questo in tutto l’universo…
What he said, but in ‘merican.
I wish to repeat in the universe .. masterpiece .. planet earth are few human beings who realize it .. .. but unfortunately for some of us the wonder and the magnificence of this planet, every day of wonder and reason magic ..
So long life to the earth ..
prolifino planets and beautiful as this all over the world …
There you go, you wanted it in “American”. Most of it doesn’t make sense, like most of you uneducated worthless morons. Stop being so damned arrogant. American isn’t a fucking language on it’s own, it’s called English, what you’ve adapted from the British, but turned around into diffrent words, like a few of the British colonies. YOU are an idiot. It seems like you’re the redneck type, who dropped out of school, and don’t believe in much. “Time ta go reload ma boomstick”.