100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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This makes me fancifully imagine that we’re seeing God’s art gallery.
Reminds me of the crucified Christ.
All of these pics speak to the power, glory and majesty of an Eternal Creator. How anyone could view these and not see God is a miracle of faith in self.
I agree with you. GG!
What an amazing Father we have!!
GG and Marion – I hope you’re being ironic…
Sadly there are millions of people who blindly follow the inconsistencies of man-made, organised religion. The ultimate beauty of the Universe lies in the astounding complexities that arise from the interactions of matter by way of the laws of physics.
Anyone who just states that something as astounding as the horse head nebula was magicked in to being by ‘God’ is missing the point.
/agree with BIXTONIAN 100%
It’s quite beautiful and even overwhelming, certainly unlike anything man made.
(Such as “God” or any other work of fiction.)
bahahahaha! this picture reminds you of the crucified body of christ? i have to say you have quite the imagination
I agree with GG, but BIXTONIAN has a point…it may be that it is created from “interactions of matter by way of the laws of physics” but I believe that God put those powers into motion and made it possible.
FOR SCIENCE, I find it offensive (yet amusing) that you claim God is man made. Guess you’ll have to wait and see about that one.
If anything, to me these pictures are God, God is the power and force of the universe and not a person or being.
God is a man-made social construct. You have no proof whatsoever of God’s existence, other than your ‘faith’. How convenient, that to be a true Christian you have to have ‘faith’ and just believe that God exists, which is fortunate since there is NO.PROOF.WHATSOEVER that he exists. Would you like some logic with that circular? Also, if God were real, then he would be a huge prick. What kind of creator would create the entire human population, only to send the vast majority of them to eternal damnation in hell, which according to you christians, is where most of the world should end up. God is a fairy tale, and its time for christ-tards to grow up.
It takes a lot more “faith” to believe that all of this exploded from nothing(big bang theory) than it does to believe that there is some kind of God out there that created it all. I happen to be one of those “Christians” who believe we are all sinners in need of a savior Jesus Christ who is the only way to heaven. We are all given a free will and its our choice who we will serve: a loving God or satan who wants to kill, steal and destroy you. As for hell God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell however he cannot be in the presence of sin and we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God so without the blood of Jesus covering our sins we cannot enter His presence.
What’s really the most astounding thing, even more so than this image, is the way people of non-faith always seem to have a problem with someone believing in God, or claiming that this image was created in part of some forces set in motion by said God. And then the people who defend what they deeply believe in, what helps some people get up each and every day, or makes them feel good about being alive, real or not, have their defense manipulated into preach-babble, even though the first ones to preach were those who want everyone to believe that there isn’t a God even though they have no proof of this either, which goes against their exact beliefs in Science considering that for something to be said to exist or not exist or be a concrete fact it must be proven either way. So really, if you want to talk about science, then you really can’t talk about God. God doesn’t exist to science so you might as well just not even bring up in the first place. Fuck tard.
Firstly what you all need to understand is that regardless of what your belief structure is, kindness and knowledge make existence useful. Secondly you need to understand that consciousness cannot exist without matter. Matter cannot exist without energy. Clearly God cannot exist without at the very minimum consciousness and matter. Neither God or the big bang have been proven and for you to insult anyone for there belief in God or Science is rude and unnecessary. Why don’t you focus your energy on supporting your fellow planet-mates for the betterment of the species. Focus on growth, knowledge and happiness for those are some of the most positive aspects of your existence.
Firstly, to add profanity in a statement does not make it any more intellectual or astounding in its entirety. In fact, it takes away from the point and makes it tasteless. As far as faith and science, I feel that there is no need to try and prove to each other that one is more superior in existence than the other. These pictures are a truly miraculous work of art, and it is part of what makes the universe beautiful, unique, and absolutely something bigger than all of us. Things like this are supposed to spark our engines and allow us to think about the who’s, what;s, when’s, where’s, and why’s. We are supposed to debate, however the need to get defensive and discriminate against each other is unnecessary. Just food for thought. Best wishes to all.
If we all thought the same and had the same beliefs, likes, dislikes, and so on, this world would be dull and lifeless as a robotic assembly line. When you look at this photo, or any picture for that matter, you see what you want to see. And that is your reality.
Gods not real!
…Can’t we all agree that it’s pretty to look at?
God=Universe, It’s something bigger than us, that’s all, You don’t need to be a religious people to think that out there exist something inn imaginable and superb, even the scientists don’t understand all the things in our world and the universe at all.
Hmmm, I don’t see god in this picture, just batman with a glow above his head… unless batman’s god?
let us stop arguing over the pitiful topic of religion, and come together with the one thing in common we all love, this beautiful work
BLAH BLAH BLAH , Why dont u just shut up and die?
I agree with God. The rest of you are tools of a massive magnitude. (except, maybe Rachel and and Evan)
This is The God speaking,
This picture is truly amazing!!1!!!11
I may watch and hear everything, everyone, everywhere says and does (at the same time!!! Booyah!), but if you think I created this you MUST be bonkers!
PS: if you think that that’s what I look like, you must hate me. YOU look like a red cloud of hot dust and stuff.
I don’t know whether to be amused, scared or sad when I see all of these Christians acting like science proves their religion right. Even if it proves there is a God, which it doesn’t, how does it prove your God is the right God? There are millions of concepts of God. So many that predate your religion.
I think it’s a shame how everyone on this rock is basically sheep who just believe everything they’re told and believe it blindly without questioning it or doing some research. Example your entire life. Religions=Control, Schools=Misinformation=Dumbing u down, Concept of God=Wrong. I’m Just asking that everyone please do some research, educate yourself don’t believe everything the news tells u. Research Stewart Swerdlow@expansions.com, David Icke, if you’re fed up with the bs the world feeds u.