Fantasy art by Grzegorz Rutkowski.
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I guess proportions aren’t that important.
I don’t see anything wrong with the proportions. What did you see BOB?
Girl: AUGH MY SPINE *falls over*
eh hem…. that paintings of me doofus. God. Your. A. Whore….
5th post!
*You’re (because this is IMPORTANT, damn it!)
The proportions are so painful!
She’s only 5 and a half heads high or so (instead of 6-8), her lower leg seems longer than the upper, the arms and legs are sticklike, the back is broken, the feet are too small…. I could go on and on.
I LOVE the techniques but I find that the outfit is lacking.
Interesting tho.
look behind her! Magic dust farts!
Proportions aren’t important in fantasy..
@Everyone who bitches about proportion: What are you, gay?
1ST !!!! oh dam i’m so bad at this T_T
So what if she’s short, faggit? My mother is 5’3″ and she’s sexy as fuck.