Art by Grzegorz Rutkowski, Poland.
Love Coolvibe? Please share!The Day We Left Earth
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Art by Grzegorz Rutkowski, Poland.
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Really beautiful work!
firstt :)
wow love the colorss
simply amazing. I love the emotion in her eyes…
Someday, this will happen, and I will cry too…
This is gorgeous. (:
Simply beautiful! Highly emotional.
Listen to “Sands of Time, by: Paul Spaeth” when looking at this photo.
reminds me of Wall-E… anyone else?
Very nice!
if that is the last plant… wtf are they gonna eat on the ship.
the day we left earth i carefully styled my hair and applied eye make-up.
word on thaddeus’s comment, nice artwork but poor choice of material, something original please?
Awesome artwork.. But I LOL at the stupid environmental message it portrays..
Her face kind of looks like Ashley Olsen’s of the Olsen twins.
I agree on the Wall-E thing. First thing that struck my mind. :)
I agree with the Wall-E reference too …brilliant work
Maybe if she hadn’t used so much conditioner for her hair, the earth might have stood a chance.
this is great. wonderful job of capturing the emotion of the moment in her face. i can see the tears welling in her eyes!
Beautiful. bullshit, but beautiful.
Great drawing/painting. makes you want to stay a while longer.
Oh, it’ll eventually happen when we have 30 or 40 billion people on the planet. It does remind me of Wall-E before they became a bunch of fat people.
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@Pierre It won’t happen in our lifetime.
I’ll bet that’s a weed plant lol AWESOME ART
@Eric, the earth can barely handle the burden of 6.69 (current) billion people, so i wouldn’t wait around for it to hit 30…
also i don’t understand why people call the message bullshit… that we’re affecting the planet beyond repair? (at least nothing we can fix…)
why is environmentalism bad?
February 1st, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Someday, this will happen, and I will cry too…
you will be well dead by the time that happens
To the usual detractors…who just like to insult…you really should produce some artwork better than this before you glibly crap on it, my friends.
Wheres the Afghan?
Beautiful work, if people start thinking about what we are doing to the planet maybe it won’t happen.
@ bussa kiss kiss…ROFL. This is a nice piece. I dig it.
Wow this is a pretty powerful piece. It’s sad…
Good lord. Thank you for introducing me to Paul Spaeth. It’s absolutely incredible! Much more exciting than the picture! (Even though the picture rocks)
It reminds me of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, with the endangered greenery and all. I appreciate the details and atmosphere. (i.e. the wind and it’s effects, the silhouettes in the background, the ground over the cliff, the tears in her eyes, etc.) Well done. ;)
The galaxy Andromeda will crash into the Milky Way in 2.2 Billion years. The sun will be so hot in 1 Billion years that there will be no more water on the earth. A lot of what the Heaven of the Bible may be about is the intelligence of ancient astronomers saying look above the sky we are racing through at this moment could fall on you at any time. If some thing large enough came through and hit the sun, there would be one large flare and then cold, just like Revelations predicts or warns? As the ice cap melts it brings more water into the ecosystem to feed more people, all we have to do is irrigate with it better. We may even have to drain the oceans and store all of our precious water as long as possible, leaving room for even more people. The people we don’t have room for are those out to make a buck spreading fear and ignorance.
looks like final fantasy spirits within with that plant in the tube
Gee, I guess I’m supposed to offer up a smart-ass comment so everyone will think I’m cool. But then again, I don’t like everyone.
I do like this picture though. Wonder if the theme is something you’ve seen before because it’s something that matters…and you’re still not listening?
Glad to know there will be beautiful women up until the last day on Earth.
@BeBe BLuff
“if that is the last plant… wtf are they gonna eat on the ship.”
Each other. muahahaha.
The sun will get too hot in 5 billion years, not 1, worthruss
I really would like to be in such a spaceship with such a beutiful lady.
How very morbid.
Makes you think and wonder what are the stories behind it all. You’ve done a marvelous work.
here’s the thing…
according to science, the planet has been here for billions of years. (even before humans) So, I’m reasonably sure that the planet will survive anything we can inflict on it with our ignorance.
according to the Bible, it doesn’t matter anyway because God is gonna wipe the slate clean whenever the mood takes Him. So, I’m reasonably sure that it doesn’t matter what we do to the planet.
Very nice, high quality!
so wall-e
give me a break
Wonderful colors, really fits the mood. Thankfully, this sort of thing will never happen.
why is she wearing a stillsuit?
very cool, that’s it!!!!
Something will happen in the next few years!!!!!!!!
Looks like concept art for a kick ass videogame. I would hang a print of this on my wall.
Nice art. But how come all the women in future depictions are always super hot and thin? I want to see Rosie O’Donnel holding that plant.
Is that real leather? We may have to kill the last of the animals so we can suit up and save the plants! I ain’t going into space wear’n vinyl long johns, no chance Billy bob.
@coolvenus I got chills down my spine when I put the music on while looking at the picture.
And I agree. Environmentalism is only such a big thing now because we’ve made it so with all our consumerism and wastefulness.
fabulous.. remind us to take good care of the earth..
ya it’s rendered well but what the hell kind of message is it trying to say? “ok we’ve finished with Earth let’s go destroy some other planet”? and why don’t they need face protection and oxygen masks? if it’s gotten to the point where all the trees and plants are gone then there would be no air, not to mention the complete destruction of Earth’s atmosphere, and the raised temperatures of the Earth… ok ya that’s all.
@Robert Brent: everyone here can see how well this picture is rendered, but just like when you watch a movie you can tell what’s wrong with it. Avatar was beautifully animated but the storyline sucked, the characterization sucked, everything sucked except the effects. but I don’t have to make my own movie to say that do I?
I didn’t get the “We wrecked the en-vir-o-ment so we have to leave” vibe, I got “Holy shit, someone set up us the bomb, all our base belong to them so it’s time to GTFO.”
And yes, I think the latest “OH NOES!!! The Erfs is gonna MELTZ!!” is all bull, especially when you consider that in the 1950′s, it was “OH NOES!!! The Erfs is gonna FREEZE!!!”
And so, now that I’ve dealt with the distraction of all the foolish ones commenting on some pseudo-enviro-message…
Nice artwork, man. Blogged.
This is totally wicked!!!!
this is from Final Fantasy the spirits within
the technicals are lovely. The girl is everything Grzegorz Rutkowski seems to want in a girl~ nuture instict (plant), tiny waste, innocent eyes: the male is hidden. So if there are emotions in there, they’re tucked up in the “my suit accentuates potentional muscles” attire. ….a well done train wreck of present day’s (aesthetic?) values and fears…. Who cares if we saw wall-e do it:)
that should be a weed plant.
If it looks like one olsen twin then wouldn’t it make since to say it looks like both? If it were me it would definitely be a weed plant
It reminds me of mass effect..either the first or second one
Gives pain in my chest and a lump in my throat.
wounder full work, cheers mate
I like the flower she is holding.
direct copy of Wall-E. but amazing :)
This reminds me of mass effect
beautiful art detail and imagination!
this sucks ass
It looks like the last plant on earth is a venus fly trap. And it looks like that guy walking to the ship stepped in dog crap. Bet the said dog will eat that plant.
Wow… ET scrubs up pretty good. BTW, what’s the betting that weed is good to smoke? Maybe that’s why her eyes are watering…
Very good artwork, in particular the emotions are captured well. But I must say that the costume is quite unrealistic. I think with more hints of realism it could become an even better piece!
Please read the Bible, don’t interpret it. Unless you’ve read it all enough times to quote it. By then you’d probably be able to quote it to back up your claims!
Everyone else who wants to criticize:
This artist can draw. Whether the Earth implodes or explodes or evaporates or Christ returns and rules and creates a new heavens and a new Earth (my belief), this artist has TALENT. I myself miss the wonderfulness of my childhood imagination. This piece excites that. Do we love to imagine hopeful futures, whether we believe in them or not? Seems like our culture (as a species) shows we do.
Not sure if this will work. I love it! inspiring! just put my own touch on it… sorry, lol
hmm here is a link
Ummm, I didn’t read everyones comments but i’m sure someone has mentioned this, Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within…That is what this reminds me of.
Whatever you say guys. This one is amazing. I like the emotion. And ohh.. this is art – It’s about IMPRESSION, not LOGIC. cheers!
That is such an incredible picture! The expression on the girl’s face is amazing. There is so much emotion.
This would make a great movie just looking at it.
To #80, CAZ,
You’re seriously such a fu**ing retard “CAZ”, it’s a piece of art, they’re saving a plant to maybe grow elsewhere or preserve some of earth if the world ever came down to it. If it was true,you wouldn’t be crying about politics, you’d be crying like a little baby wanting to go to a different planet. I’m sick and tired of you fucks always finding the “political propaganda” in everything, see it as a means of entertainment, not brainwash and your life wouldn’t be so miserable. Thanks fu**o.
No real woman has rope hair. No such thing as Rapunzel, sorry dudes.
HAHA!!! mine is better!!!
Photobucket link! check it out LOLZ
Wall-E reminiscent for sure as a matter of fact the second I saw her I thought of EVE getting her plant…so sad.
I like this girl what planet she from
Those poor political tards. Their pony only has one trick. You could say: “Its’ a nice day, isn’t it?” and they would spit a nasty diatribe about global warming being wrong. Pity them, they are but slaves to their corporate masters and their leader is a quitter.
Great art. I appreciate art in the way it appeals to my emotions. I do not assign a load of baggage to it.
really cool. looks like something off of mass effect
Extremely Impressive!
very cool great lighting of the figures
The plant in the jar is genius.
Reminds me of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within.
She didn’t pot that plant correctly.
Yeah she looks emotional, just think of all the crap that bloody huge ship she flies in spews out. Utter teenage sentimental sh1te. Go out and make friends.
Don´t worry, mankind will never make it that far. Nice picture though.
Definitely Mass Effect inspired. I see an N7 on the woman’s arm band.
50% of everyone who commented on this post are exactly what’s wrong with this planet and the cause of what this picture depicts.
open your minds. start caring…about anything but rejecting.
and yes, I too, would have a couple pot plants. who knows, it may be a long trip.
It looks like Wall-e with humans. Epic.
I remember that day.
Is that one of the Olsens?
wow… just…
complete rip off of WALL-E
harry potter wands
Fantastic, it is now my wallpaper. Absolutely beautiful. I would probably sell my immortal soul for art skills like that.
Wow, that is amazing art. I wish I had even an ounce of your talent. Keep up the great work!
Cool pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing artwork. thanks for sharing
Really beautiful art and very cool composition
I agree wit all ov Y’all!its Suburb!hope ther will be more of this kind of insprational work like this one, id like to start working on mine too, but being inspired dnt get it done,Rite?
Art is open to interpretation, and I can clearly see how so many have interpreted this as an environmental message. However, those who have criticized the artist for his apparent views or failure to accurately portray the situation should have first clicked on the link below the picture to learn about the artist and view the other works in this series. After doing so, you might have concluded, as I have, that this is just as likely to be a portrayal of a small band of refugees fleeing a war-torn planet as some sort of environmental message.
Those who would use this forum to discuss political agendas which may or may not be related to the art irritate me, first because this should not be about politics and second because so many of you have spouted off about things you clearly know nothing about. As someone else noted above, you should read the Bible before attempting to apply, summarize, or analyze it. I would like to expand this suggestion to include science as well, since so many seem to have bought into what the media has told them instead of actually studying science themselves. This planet’s carrying capacity is believed to be approximately 11 billion people. We will never make it to 30 or 40 billion. From watching what has happened to other species at their carrying capacities, we can predict what will happen to us when we get there. The entire world will experience the war, famine, and disease that we currently see in Africa. Those with the technology will either go underground or attempt to escape the planet. For those who remain, most, if not all, will face death. The population will plummet as people die and the survivors are too sick or too busy fighting to reproduce. The remaining population, if there is one, will experience a great generation gap, since it will consist of only those who were too old or too young to fight. If the old do not live long enough to nurture the young, or if environmental damage has made everyone infertile, the entire human race will be extinct in one generation. If our species survives, we will experience a dark age. People will migrate in search of resources, and new civilizations will spring up where groups of people choose the same place to settle. The need to survive will outweigh the desire for education, and so the disaster will be forgotten until evidence is uncovered hundreds or thousands of years later. One needs only to look at history to see that this has happened on a local scale many times. Examples include the Minoans and the Mayans, among others.
awesome art,but if this is what future holds………why wait till there is only one plant left…..
Cha! I have to look at this more than once to take everything in. First off tho, I love the rich tones and weighted darks of this piece.
amazing work
Those suits look a lot like the ones on Mass Effect, and do I see an N7 on her arm?