Digital art by Staszek Marek, Poland. Also called Center of the universe View wallpaper sized image here. Love Coolvibe? Please share!
Futuristic city complex
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Digital art by Staszek Marek, Poland. Also called Center of the universe View wallpaper sized image here. Love Coolvibe? Please share!
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Amazing and Awesome. Congratz!
Yes. Sexy. i love it.
Really incredible work. Amazing detail! I love the way it mixes the sculpted stone/Roman look with the modern steel and glass. :)
Incredible attention to detail. 10/10 rating in my book. Is this a precursor to what civilization will look like if this global warming comes to pass and the sea levels rise as they say they will? Haha!
This looks like th concept art for the video game Brink.
It’s definitely a city I’d want to live in…just wow.
Btw Brandon, the Earth goes through 30yr warming and cooling cycles as shown by tree ring analysis for growth patterns going back thousands of years. The whole Global Warming scare was based off of what little data we’ve collected on temperature in only very recent times.
We’re supposed to now be on the start of the cooling cycle of the process and this past summer and winter have indeed been a good deal colder than previous years.
I don’t like it. It’s all bits and pieces going in all directions with no real strong theme other than messy. It looks pretty fancy but I would not live there and you can’t make me. I don’t like it and I never will like it. Just because it has lots of snazzy elements and glass everywhere does not make it good. It stinks. The people who live there will all attempt to leap off the top – as would I. This drawing must be destroyed in case some future lunatic wants to build it. Don’t let them…. We must find the designer and break his or her pencils. BAH!!! It’s horrible!!!
Is that too critical?
It’s not that bad I guess…………
Oh…. Now I don’t know. %$#@&)!@))&#%%#@!!!!!!
actually justin, if you’ve seen photos of glaciers and such, you would know that the earth is warming up. I live in a town where we get snow every year, but this past winter, guess what. no snow.
and pieter, if you’ve ever heard of mirror’s edge, it’s pretty, but people are forced to live there. muahaha…
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Will people live in such huge building(s) in the far future? Or is this a imagination to cheat ourselves?
Stunning work – very well done! Such imagination. Whether this will prove to be true or not, it’s a beautiful piece of art.
A beautifully detailed piece of art, brings so many thoughts and emotions to me. It has been my background for the past week on my desktop and mobile.
I would hate to have to wash the windows. Probably agree with Pieter. Too busy for the Atlantis type surroundings. Wouldn’t work in Austin.
Only 1% of the population will be able to afford this kind of life.
Agree with Krapnek: it’s a fortress city where the rich elites will live protected from the broke-a$$ masses who make their crap, pay them rent, and fight in their wars.
ok Pieter, you cant judge something by looking on the outside. if this is supposed to resemble a real city, you have no clue as to whats going on inside. take a chill pill, humans wont be around long enough to see something like this anyway. id say we blow ourselves up within the next 50 years. as sad as it is, i truly beleive that.
Brett, that’s an extremely pessimistic, and bigcynic, your name aggrees with your attitude. the rich elites would have the rooms in the outside, but i’m sure there’s crap on the inside that we’ll be able to overcharge the lower class for UNLESS we actually calm down and work together as a human race (which would probobly only happen if we find a hostile alien species, forcing us to band together) then we might agree that luck will decide who gets the awesome rooms.
p.s.- i wonder where homeless people would live in these citys?
I sort of assumed this was a hotel or resort, not an entire city-structure.
by this time the government will have put into action their plan to use all the homeless people for tires and rocket fuel
are there any lots for rent in the space port?
never has a pic of such magnatide almost leave me awstruck for words keep up the g ` work n thnks very much it was fantastic…….
Beautiful work.. very impressive attention to detail. Critics can say whatever they want, but unfortunately none of them can present anything not even close to good as this. Great work!
What’s the point, Arabs will just fly a plane into it.
How much money would cost a project like this?.
That’s mondo fuel for the imagination! Kudos!
Awesome – a stumledUpon suggestion. See how far bookmarks go….
(my social map)
I don’t know why but it reminds me of the Jetsons. If there were a bunch of personal air craft flying around this I think it would be just like the Jetsons and their awesome apartment building with robot maids and treadmill dog walks. I also agree that only the top 1% of the population would be able to live in a place like this.
Great imagination for a city, it reminds me of some great passages in the Book of Revelation 4: 1-11 & 21: 10-27 about the Throne of God and the New Jerusalem. With references of a city in a form of a cube length, width and height each
1,400 miles and descriptions like brilliant gemstones, jasper,carnelian, gold crowns,
emerald and topaz. With your gift I wonder what you could come up with, I am sure their would be a lot people interested in such art.
Great work–Imaginative content and perspective view point.
@ Justin: You are wrong on SO many levels. The “Global Warming Scare” is NOT based on what ‘little data’ we have collected on temperatures, whatsoever. the CLIMATE CHANGE scare is based on the irrefutable chemistry of greenhouse gases, and the fact that C02 and other GHG levels are climbing at an absolutely astounding rate. I can gauge your complete incompetence on the subject by the way you are judging the entire long term progression of our planetary weather system on the colder winter you had. I would be less than surprised if whatever area you are living in starts getting hit by massive incomparable blizzards by the next 50 years, as climate change means ALOT more than just ‘the weather getting hot’
Beautiful Picture! I want to live there! Screw Pandora
I’m imagining this thing full of crime near the bottom. Depending on where you built it, you might have pirates using the lowest levels (possibly beneath the ocean) as a base for terror attacks on outgoing or incoming freighters, and you would have to have intense security near the building to keep that from becoming a terrible problem. Homeless people who couldn’t afford to leave would also live in the bottom, and long story short, the parts beneath sea level would look a lot like Rapture from BioShock.
The upper levels would probably have awful sewage problems (with the huge volume of pipes and the large length over which something could screw up), and the richest people living at the top might have toilets that back up every day or so. Depending on the energy source, the water around this thing might be extremely polluted and devoid of life.
Also, the interior would have no natural sunlight. If you lived in the heart of this thing, you might get to see the sun a few times a year. You *might*.
Imagine the city of Dubai. It looks futuristic and awesome, but its streets have no names (which would be another problem with this thing; it would be very easy to get lost, and if you took the wrong turn, you might go into a bad neighborhood and never be seen again), and the majority of its people live in slums. That’s what this thing would be like in reality.
Take that for your optimism. I don’t like optimism : P
i will say the marvellous art in your structure,it is a perfect city of design,it is highly resistant and fanatically esetheatic and the infrastructure is winged just like a flyingcity and a perfection of green life in it..
Great work man!
It needs a white tree at the top.
now just wait for a hurricane/natural disaster. then move on and collect insurance money while leaving residents to fend for themselves. Start over.
Very artistic and imaginative!
THIS PHOTOSHOP DRAWING is as pointless as, gee i dont know, you gotta kinda ask yourself why you did it, and the answer is…. nothing, not even pleasure, more than anything it causes disturbance in how its made, or really wtf any of it really is, an illusion in an illusion is… bulshit, make something real
911 x 1 000 000.
Singapore is in the process of making something very similar to this check it out:*jCe4bB17O7lmlByIxrBEVsbSg9oQsQH*HQD63NrsOf-jb/MarinaBaySandsSkyPark.jpg
So little public space for so many people
My friend and I love this! Amazing work! Any houses for sale there?
there are three reasons why i don’t like this one bit!
#1. it’s photoshopped
#2. it sucks
#3. what kind of artist would want to paint anything like this it’s a waste of time!
great post as usual!
this already exists just find project venus. its for over population. cities that look like this that will be anchored off of shore lines
To post number 46 – that guy – YES. The venus project is certainly taking a step in the correct direction, not only in the foray of future-sustainable living places, but also in terms of new, clean energy. Fossil fuels should be called such for more reasons than being made from decomposing matter (say perhaps, the fact that they themselves should become ‘extinct’).
Well, while I think this is a very cool and maybe efficient version of a futuristic city, or complex.. I think judging by the large amounts of water surrounding this location, it is probably in a world where our coastlines have at the very least, begun to recede, or at the very most, our coastlines have been raped by the ever encroaching sea level, and this is the only avenue left for us to pursue (at the time).
I just hope that by the time that we realize that something like this may be beneficial to our survival, we’ve still got some dry land on which to prepare the materials.. otherwise, we’re all goin down with the ship.
Posts 13, 14, 15, 16 and 33
This is probably either most of the planet has flooded itself, and experience massive population decreases.
Or has killed off most of its population, through disease, war, famine, etc, which again.
Or like Brett said, this will never happen. Time is running out, much faster than you think. Im going with this one, unless we can somehow pull our socks up before its too late. (You said 50, i’m sayin’ 25, tops.)
(theres always the next life guys, maybe you can try to remember this)
I want to see how it performs during a massive earthquake!
If this is a real attempt at a city design, you need to add suicide nets everywhere. Jumpers be lovin’ the jumpin’!
1. Sunshine could be piped in via fiber optics or mirrored solar tubing. These products exist today.
2. The planet depicted might not even be Earth.
3. The inhabitants might be androids, robots, cybernetic, etc.
4. Humans could incorporate sewage treatment plants and water recyclers every few levels. No need to pump it all the way to the top or bottom. Those trees and grass could be fed fertilizer made from treated waste. Water could be obtained from rains and storms.
5. Make the outer walls and glass out of substances which generate electricity from the sun.
6. I’d like to see what this baby looks like at night when its lit up.
Hey there’s already something like that in Singapore. it’s “Marina Bay Sands Hotel” or something.
i hope i live long enough to see something like that come to fruition
Great view into future. Is this real or just an illusion?
wow , awesome city .., this is going to be my dream city ….
i enjoy living in the country… not a single person in that city even has a back yard
Looks Good but i dont see no football ground ??
that is actually amazing!!!
@Dave (49)
“There probably is no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life”
wont work in the usa, here we cant even keep our bridges up let alone a whole city.
I love this picture. I love how it has aspects of Parks and water fountains. I like the melding of old Roman archeticture with futuristic.
Could they build something like that in real life and how much would it cost to build?
Would you want to live here anyway? I would have thought people prefer flying mansions or their own personal piece of land. This looks like a gigantic hotel or shopping complex rather than a rich people (1% population) only habitation.
Jeez, guys. It’s JUST a picture. -__-”’
Just updated with wallpaper sized image. As per many requests.
yeah Xibalba is right. its a picture………c’mon. pictures were made for people to look at and be amazed and moved emotionally not to be scrutinized for the achievable of the structure or how much it will cost to live there. and if whether or not the building should be a resort or city. just look at it and be amazed :D
I love it.
its kinda pretty i guess. but it looks like a hotel or shopping mall to me. not a fan.
great perspective,succesfully combine artistic element and futuristic design
Que SA pas Terible deçue LA ?…
I really need to contact the artist who created this, to purchase copyright usuage. Does any one have his contact details?
HELP – please!