We're currently working version 2 of Coolvibe. Please let us know what you think! Click the image for full-view.
Coolvibe v2 sneak preview
About the artwork

I like it! Coolvibe upgrades to Cooler Vibe lol
Looks great, really like the background color and the missing borders around the picture! Not quite sure about the menu though…
Awesome. Looking forward to the new version.
Love the slick new look and menu bar. Still glad your keeping the site simple and not cluttered!
Not too sure about the logo though, think it has an awesome style, but the B looks too much like a 3 and numbers in logos never really did it for me, the V looks cool though!
Looking forward to seeing v2 of the site, keep up the excellent work!
I like it as well. Very clean.
I love the new design it looks so smoothe and fresh! xD
That’s for the comments guys, v2 is expected some time next week!
I think it looks great!
Keep up the good work.
Not to bad. Don’t like the idea of change, but that’s something I would like to get used to :)
I love the new logo, it’s better than this one, but i think you should put an easy way to reach the featured works like Anime Wallpapers, Video Game Wallpapers.
So great.
And face-lifty.
Face-lifty is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
NICE! love it! i’d LOVE a wallpaper section! and how everything is grouped by style and stuff, very nice