I sorta wonder how many people actually got this other than Drago and myself. One look at the title and my focus was solely on the sky. Though, I thought it was a battle of ‘light vs. dark’ till I saw the little sword fish in there and the mounted knight (which at first I thought was a unicorn). Didn’t even see the little people in there till after I read Drago’s comment. Seems the more I look, the more little things I’m finding. Excellent job! :)
A lovely, solid layout with nice colour; I though with the hidden imagery it was a great piece for getting the fast paced fickle internet surfer to slow down for more then half a second to look at something…
really peace full scene, love to see this picture always.
Makes one sigh.. *sigh*
Gives an “autumn” feeling – good work.
IMHO it has a little too much sky.
“Too much sky”?
It’s called Clouds Battle, and it depicts two people “standing” on the clouds fighting with a cloud sword/sailfish and a mounted knight…
The focus IS the sky.
I think this is absolutely lovely. The sky is wonderful too. It just look wonderful
This reminds me of home, so peaceful and serene.
I sorta wonder how many people actually got this other than Drago and myself. One look at the title and my focus was solely on the sky. Though, I thought it was a battle of ‘light vs. dark’ till I saw the little sword fish in there and the mounted knight (which at first I thought was a unicorn). Didn’t even see the little people in there till after I read Drago’s comment. Seems the more I look, the more little things I’m finding. Excellent job! :)
A lovely, solid layout with nice colour; I though with the hidden imagery it was a great piece for getting the fast paced fickle internet surfer to slow down for more then half a second to look at something…