100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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Prelijepo – bytifull it is super. Thanks for its.
Bloody incredible.. This is spectacular. Thank you for sharing this.
Is it just me or does it look like the logo of firefox?
el universo, maravillosa creacion de DIOS
Daniel, que tipo pelotudo que sos, sabes?
Todavia crees en el hombre de la bolsa, tambien ?
IT’S DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love, brie and madie <3
Oh my god, these are simply breath taking. This only furthers my want to be an Astronomer! My science teacher would flip. I LOVE THESE PHOTOS AND I LOVE SPACE!!!
daniel es increíble la cantidad de ignorancia y credulidad que existe dentro de tu pequeña mente de cacahuete. Apoyo a rolo
I feel like I’m staring into the mouth of a giant space worm. And it is hungry.
Oh yeah, AND I LOVE SPACE TOO!!! ^o^
Entonces deacuerdo a la lógica de Rolo y Pussyfart Albert Einstein tenía una mente de cacahuate (:
looks like roadkill
My nice, by my side, said this is very crazy and she thinks it takes people to another world, so she would like to go through this “portal” to go to some crazy planet and live some crazy things. She doesn’t speak English, but she insisted there should be a “crazy” in this comment.
Looks like Samuel L Jackson
I’m a first-timer…never imagined anything so complex and beautiful above me. I’ll now be looking up in the sky in a whole different way. Thanks very much for sharing!
haha buena respuesta hector! :D ha de ser que einstein tenia mente de cacahuate.. ignorancia tambien es no saber respetar las creencias y opiniones de los demas
@Mark: I was thinking the same thing. It does look like the firefox logo
The Dragon’s hoard.
You wouldn’t think deep space would have so many lens flares.
@rosie y hector. desde cuando Albert Einstein fue religioso? aqui estan ciertas quatas dichas por el:
I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)
“yo no creo en un dios personal y nunca lo he negado, lo he expresado claramente. Si hay algo en mi que puede llamarse religioso seria la ilimitada admiración por la estructura del mundo hasta donde nuestra ciencia puede revelarla.”
I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)
“Creo en el Dios de Spinoza que se revela en la armonía ordenada de lo que existe, no en un Dios que se preocupa por los destinos y acciones de los seres humanos.”
Por favor dejen de usar al pobre hombre como defensa a que existe un dios, el claramente no creía en SU dios de la biblia. Usen la lógica por medio segundo y se darán cuenta que es todo un invento :D
@ Rolo, pussyfart, Héctor, rosie, y SANTA:
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