100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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I wonder what those purple swirls of light are.
Purple lights could be Jupiter’s “aurora borealis”?
just guessing but it seems very possible that other planets would have a similar magnetic field as the earth.
Beautiful. When you have no knowledge of other things that exist you may realize that this looks like a specimen under a microscope.
Yes, those purple lights are in fact Jupiter’s aurora borealis.
They’re just auroras, not aurora borealis, they’re only in the northern hemisphere of Earth. and they’re purple because Jupiter’s magnetic field is so much stronger than Earth’s so the solar particles which hit the atmosphere do so with a much higher velocity making the auroras ultra violet.
Hello neighbor =) Fancy seeing you here ^.^
Actually, they’re Murphys Star trek disco hot spot
Place looks dusty. What kinda filter my F350 gonna need?