100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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“The Listening LORD”
“The Listening One”
Looks like the sky
God is not real for fuck sake!!
Mother and Child.
God is energy. No names No masks No Matter. Leave inside you and your body is its temple.
I really wish people would stop interpreting these pictures as some kind of God or Angels. science doesn’t prove God, it bumms him.
@denis & @ PhiloSophie
Can you prove there is no creator, Neither can science, before he died even Einstein came to believe.
“Science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame.” – A. Einstein
You can neither hope for god to exist or not exist based on a small percentage of images seen through a telescope.
@Double Dee
Very nice. Funny how quickly people shut up when brilliant minds speak :)
god has not been proved or unproved. the creation of the universe still remains a mystery so both of you STFU
there are better things to fight about rather than the “im right” “no im right” game that you children play. grow up and use your brains for something productive.
and just enjoy the pictures.
Mom! Denis said fuck!
Really now God/god arguers! The bible was a nice myth that served to prescribe a social code that worked well till a hundred or two years ago. Then this thing called science was devised. It was based on endless questioning for the best model of what is and how “it” works. Science explains so much more than the bible, that the bible should be placed in the archives. Many of the lessons of the bible are counterproductive now. It is a slam dunk crackup that the believers among us will poo poo science as just a theory and such when they’ll use PCs, cell phones, TV, satellites, DSL and the like to spread the view that science is just a theory. That’s right, it is a theory- ever evolving and darn well functioning! One last thought before I ask why these great photos prompt us toward these conflictual postings. Death is real. Bible aside, it is time to fess up that we are mortal, just like that bacteria you killed with the antibiotics. There is no heaven, no escape from death. So, instead of wasting your time praying, missioning, and worshipping, get up off you knees and spend that time doing something that matters in this world. I am an athiest with 26 years in the non-profit social service world. Match me.
Oh, yeah. As promised: Why do these great photos prompt us toward these conflictual postings?
Why can’t we all just look at the pretty pictures and not argue? No matter if you win in an internet argument or not, it still says one thing about you: YOU HAVE NO LIFE!
I for one, see something as beautiful as this, and I don’t see how anyone could not believe in a god.