100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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there is no way that Earth is the only place in the Universe with humans…it’s just too expansive, awe-inspiring, and unknown.
The earth is certainly the only place in the Universe with humans, we evolved here. But as you say, the scale of the universe does suggest there are likely to be other forms of life out there. We just have no idea how much life…
It makes one realise just how insignificant we are.
This reminds me of the astronomy struggle to find the center of the universe and this shows that the sun doesn’t have much gravity.
It makes you feel significant! To know that you are so unique and fantastic and there’s precious little out there to compare.
C’mon) We never evolved on this planet, we’re just guests. And life is everywhere in space but our perception is too underdeveloped, even to see it here, on earth.
Anderew is right we didn’t elvolve on this planet. We evolved on Tralfamadore. My mommy Montana Wildhack told me so. We are just guests. I just went to check out and got the bill. Holy moley! If I’d have just checked out before BP’s derrick let that gusher loose, I’d have saved several billion dollars!
“[Space] is big enough to contain everything, and so, eventually, it does”
- Terry Pratchett
Not sure if that logic is rock-solid, but still an interesting thought.
Life is present everywhere in space, it’s just that we only know life by earth’s standards. Our rules of time, distance and reality can’t be applied in space.
I agree 100% with you Sean, life has to exist everywhere, it’s just too complicated for us to understand completely.