100 epic images from Hubble Space Telescope
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an interesting side note: the spectrum between the visible green and purple where its orange is the perfect spectrum of light for growing marijuana…seeing as it only intakes wavelengths from points between the green and its anti
[...] Space weed Check it out, soon enough we'll be growing out shit with light from space thus making space weed! i'd be that shit would fuck you up boomerangnebula – Coolvibe [...]
THANK YOU… i’ve been having a great day, and you ruined it with your arrogance. You tool.
So pretty ~_~ I know next to nothing about growing plants, however.
Colors…… +_+
wow, how amazing. i wonder why it’s rainbow, it probably has something to do with the color spectrum… super trippy
it *obviousy* has something to do with the colour spectrum, I think you mean it probably has something to do with the light spektrum and how the light gets broken. interesting picture :)
trypt, nice comment! Someday we will grow MJ on outerspace!
Nice pics
the pictures of hubble have a color edition, its the simulation of color but is not the original
Fuck the shit spectrum , just observe the pretty image and stfu
thats almost exactly what i was thinking.
Dont try to get all technical. its beautiful. Admire that